Can you feel that? It feels warm and comforting, and it is the feeling you get when you are surrounded by support, kindness, and caring neighbours! I am pretty sure that was created by the amazing 60+ volunteers who chose to spend their weekend spreading holiday cheer all around the Hamlet at Bragg Creek’s Spirit of Christmas!! 

To all the community members who were involved in pulling off our annual Spirit of Christmas Festival: THANK YOU! From all the local businesses whose staff went above and beyond to create events for the kids, to all the local sponsors who gave their financial support to pay for the festivities, and of course to all the individuals who chose to give their time volunteering as wrappers and shoppers, and wagon-ride stoppers to name a few! It takes a hamlet to pull off something so fun and engaging!! 

Thank you all. 

Sending so much gratitude and appreciation for our welcoming community,

The Spirit of Christmas Committee and the Bragg Creek Community Association